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Foods You Can Use to Exfoliate Your Skin

The Holistic Approach

By ExcitiaPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Growing up a healthy lifestyle was a staple in my household. As I got older I decided to stop fighting the forces of fate and take my health and education to the next level. With a degree in Holistic Health on the forefront, I found myself getting rid of the commercial products in my bathroom. I had been experimenting with organic foods that not only cleansed but exfoliated my skin.

Try these natural methods of cleansing and I hope your face thanks you just as much as my face did.

Let's talk fruit!

1. Bananas can greatly exfoliate your skin and will give a dull skin a greater complexion. They will moisturize and are great for all skin types.

Use bananas that have some brown in them, they work the best. Mash up the bananas and rub all over your skin, adding honey if you want for a natural moisturizer. I like to add just a little natural sugar for extra scrubbing power. Rinse off after about 10 minutes.

2. Strawberries - There are two easy ways to apply strawberries to your face. One way is by smashing the strawberries and placing them on your face as a mask. Another method is to just rub the strawberries all over your skin.

Working as an antioxidant, strawberries will get rid of any oils on your face which will result in brightened skin.

3. Lemon Juice - Lemon juice is a great thing to add to any mask. It brightens your skin, tightens your pores, and cuts through the oil on your face. You can apply it right onto your face for about five minutes or just add it to an egg white mask.

Whip it! Whip it up good, baby!

4. Oats - Grind a 1/4 cup of oats into a rough/smooth powder and add cool water. The oats with the added water will make a great moisturizing scrub. If you have dry and sunburned skin, substitute water for milk it can soothe your skin.

5. Yogurt - The lactic acid in yogurt is a great way to leave your skin feeling fresh and exfoliated. Yogurt can be used as a brightener and a moisturizer. Simply apply some plain yogurt onto your face and wash when dry.

6. Almonds - Like oats, you will want to grind up almonds too. Turn them into a powder. They will moisturize, exfoliate, and cleanse your skin.

Repeat the same steps as you did with the oats and enjoy.

7. Eggs - You can use either the whole egg or just the egg white. The whole egg will offer your skin more moisturizer than the egg white would. The egg whites will tighten your pores and will help you in getting firmer skin. All you have to do is rub the egg all over your clean face and then a simple egg mask will form.

After exfoliating, you need to moisturize the skin. Here are some foods you can use that will not clog pores and make your skin feel heavy.

Natural Moisturizer

After exfoliating, you need to moisturize the skin. Here are some foods you can use that will not clog pores and make your skin feel heavy.

8. Honey - Honey can be applied just as the lemon juice. It can either be used by itself or be mixed with another mask. It can be used as a moisturizer and will even help control all of those gross breakouts. You can put it on your face and leave it there as long as you would like.

9. Olive Oil - Olive Oil is a great moisturizer for your face. When I’m out of Jojoba oil, I grab some olive oil apply to my face after washing and I have a beautiful glowing complexion.

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