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GlamGlow Holiday Gift Sets

What You REALLY Save

By HaleyPublished 5 years ago 6 min read

GlamGlow was originally founded in 2010, and was intended for professionals and backstage use in Hollywood's entertainment industries. In 2011, their products were made available to the rest of us civilians. Since then, they've released tons of products that have helped so many people with skin care issues. Personally, I was skeptical about these products at first. I used to work as a skin care product specialist and didn't think that effective skin care products could be sold in such cute packaging. However, I finally caved last year and started using these products and have to say they are AMAZING; however, they are pretty pricey. (Especially when you know the MSRP for skin care products.)

About two weeks ago I was looking on their website because I was interested in purchasing one of their new products—and I was VERY excited to see that they have some limited time only Holiday Gift Sets that should be titled "Best Value Sale", because you can REALLY get your money's worth with these packages. There's quite a few of them this year—so I'm going to start the list with the smallest value and work my way up to the pricier products where you'd be saving yourself the real bucks. I'll also be explaining how much you actually save buying these sets, and not just what they say you save (which I mean they'd probably get more people to buy them if they showed the full value of these sets.)

Bubble Party Set $19 ($27 Value)

One of these weekly bubble sheet mask treatments normally costs you $9 on a regular day. But for the holidays, GlamGlow has put three of them in a package for a very low price of just $19, where three of these sheet masks would cost you $27. They purify your skin and reveal a radiant glow for your face. You save $8.

You're Glowing Places Set $24 ($35 Value)

This set includes Gravitymud™ Firming Treatment in a 10g tube, Thirstymud™ Hydrating Treatment in a 10g tube, and a Galacticleanse™ Hydrating Jelly Balm Cleanser in a 50 ml tube. The Gravitymud and Thirstymud usually come in three different sizes—with their smallest, "travel size" which is 15g, and priced at $25; the Galacticleanse normally only comes in a 145ml tube and is priced at $32. At these prices you would probably get the 10g tubes for $15 each, and the 50ml tube for another $15, (just a very, VERY rough estimate) so really, you'd $24 for $45 worth or product. You save $21.

Defy Gravity Set $24 ($71 Value)

This set comes with two 30g tubes of Gravitymud in two different colors—gold and chrome. As mentioned before, the travel size of these products is 15g for $25. That being said, altogether this would ACTUALLY cost you about $100 on a regular day. So you're really spending a little under a quarter of that for this set, a.k.a., you save $76.

Forget The Filter $42 ($71 Value)

Okay, so this set comes with the first full sized product we're going to see on this list; the Instamud 60 second treatment which, alone, costs $42 regularly. You also receive a 30g jar of the Glowstarter moisturizer which normally comes in a 50g jar for $49. So you're getting a little over half the size of the original Glowstarter moisturizer for the price of just the Instamud. I feel like it's pretty accurate in stating you're only paying $42 for a $71 value. I use the Instamud three times a week, so you can bet I bought this set for the little bonus with it. You save $29.

Sexy Little Trio $44 ($72 Value)

In this set you receive three travel sized products (each tub containing 15g). You get one Powermud, one Flashmud, and one ThirstymudIn. GlamGlow's travel sized products normally sell for $25 a piece. So really, you're only spending $44 on $75 instead of $72 worth of product with this set. You save $31.

Hydration Dream Team

In this set we see our second full-sized product; The Waterburst moisturizer in a 50g jar ($49). This is my FAVORITE moisturizer; I never cared for them until I tried this one, it really feels like a nice long drink of water for your face. That being said, you also receive a Thirstymud tube which contains 30g of product (roughly $30-$35), and the Galacticleanse 50ml tube which, as I stated before, would probably be around $15-$20. So at the minimum; you're paying $49 for the value $95 (as said) OR $49 for the value of $104. It depends of the dollar amount per ml/g. (I don't have a box with me at the moment to tell you the correct amount). You save between $46 to $55.

The Problem Solver $79 ($111 Value)

So this set is set up a little like the "Forget The Filter" set. For $79 any other time of the year, you can get the Mega tube of Supermud for $79... it's also 100g of product. But with this set, you get the Mega tube as well as the full sized tube of their Supercleanse, which is normally $32. You also get a brush for application and a stencil, which would probably be around $15 if they were sold alone. So really, you're spending $79 on $126 worth of products. You save $47.

Ready For Your Selfie $49 ($113 Value)

This set is basically the Defy Gravity set ($100 worth of product), PLUS it comes with Glowpowder palette which is normally $42. So you spend $49 on $142 worth of product, saving $93!!

Superstar Set $59 ($130 Value)

Once again, we have the Defy Gravity set as our base ($100 worth of product). But instead of the palette, you receive the full sized jar of Supermud (50g) which is priced at $59. You also receive an applicator spatula and stencils, probably about $10 if sold alone. So you're really spending $59 on $169 of products, and saving $110!!! That's crazy!

The Ultimate Glow Set $169 ($236 value)

This set right here is my next purchase and I'll explain why - you get FOUR FULL SIZED JARS. 50g a jar. That's 200gs of product! You get the Supermud, Thirstymud, and two GravitymudsThe best part is each of these jars retail for $59. There's no hidden savings with this set, but you're still saving $67. Sure, you're not saving as much as you would on the two sets above this one; however these products are prime products and they last a LOT longer than you would imagine. Did I mention that it's FOUR FULL SIZED PRODUCTS????

Paint The Town Set

This set is basically an extended version of the Defy Gravity set. You get SEVEN 30g tubes of the Gravitymud (in varying colors). This claims to be a value of $248. Guess what? The value is MUCH greater than that. As I said before, two of these 30g tubes are about $50 worth of product. With seven tubes, that by itself is $350, PLUS you get the brush and stencil which I think would retail for about $15, AND you get a painters palette which would probably be another $15 minimum. Altogether, that's $380 worth of product for just $89!!!! You save $291!!!! Numbers don't do those savings justice. You save TWO-HUNDRED AND NINETY-ONE DOLLARS!!!! THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

Okay so now that you know these products true worth, and the amount you could REALLY be saving, I suggest you hurry and buy you, your best friend, your mom, your aunt, grandma, and cousins these products before you never see these best value prices again. Trust me, they are WORTH IT!

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