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Zapping 5 Common Misconceptions About Laser Hair Removal

Don't believe everything you read or hear about laser hair removal.

By Tobias GillotPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

If you are tired of razor bumps and waxing appointments, laser hair removal might be a more appealing option for you. This long-term hair removal solution can boost your confidence and save you money in the long run. Unfortunately, stubborn myths and misconceptions might be holding you back from committing to this treatment.

This guide will debunk some of the most common laser hair removal myths that you may have heard. By understanding the facts about this treatment, you can make an educated choice as to whether it is right for you. And when in doubt, always ask a dermatologist or medical spa professional.

Anyone can perform laser hair removal.

This is one of the most dangerous misconceptions out there. If you see a salon or other beauty establishment offering cheap laser hair removal, be sure to steer clear. Certified dermatologist and medical spa technicians are the only professionals who should be performing this treatment. By going to an unlicensed establishment for hair removal, you may put yourself at risk for skin burns, scars, and other complications. Even if a legitimate treatment is more expensive, the investment is certainly worth it.

The treatment is immediately permanent.

Some people may believe that laser hair removal is a one and done treatment. However, long-term hair removal is never that simple. Depending on your hair color and texture, the hair removal professional will recommend a certain number of treatments. You will likely need to return to their office or med spa about every six weeks. While the results will likely not be completely permanent, sticking to these treatments can make the hair removal last as long as possible.

Hair removal is only for women.

While women may be the largest market for laser hair removal, men are opting for this treatment in increasing numbers. Men commonly remove hair from their back, neck, or chest, but some may choose to treat the face and other parts of the body. This treatment eliminates uncomfortable razor burn and ingrown hairs, helping men look their best and feel more confident overall.

Only light-skinned people can get laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is generally more effective when there is more of a contrast between skin color and hair color. However, this is not mean that the treatment is exclusive for light-skinned individuals. People with darker skin can successfully undergo laser hair removal, but it’s important that they discuss their treatment with their dermatologist or med spa technician. They will be able to select the right type of laser and carefully plan your treatment to remove the hair safely. The hair removal professional might choose to do a patch test to ensure that your skin doesn’t burn during treatment.

Laser hair removal is painful.

If you typically opt for waxing, you understand the sharp pain of sudden hair removal. However, this is not the case with laser hair removal. When performed by a licensed professional, this treatment should not cause you pain. You might feel a small pricking sensation when the laser touches your skin. However, if you are feeling anxious about any discomfort, your technician or dermatologist may ask if you would like to use a topical anesthetic during your treatment.

Laser hair removal is an efficient way to eliminate unwanted hair for years to come. By choosing this treatment, you can avoid itchy razor bumps and painful ingrown hairs. You can also save money on shaving supplies and waxing appointments. Just be sure to find a medical spa that you trust and return for all of your follow-up treatments. Completing every treatment will ensure the best results and help you feel your best.


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