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11 Things I Don’t Like About Makeup Palettes


By Heeta JoshiPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Disclaimer: I am a collector of eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks. But just because you have the freedom to spend money on some materialistic happiness does not mean you should not think through your purchase. Even if I was rolling in money, I would still be a conscious buyer. Not because I am stingy. Not because I am a cheapskate. Not because I can’t afford it. Having money does not justify hoarding. I know that if I don’t like something right off the bet, the probable chances of me using it regularly are nill. Having said that, I do NOT want to add to garbage, waste, landfills. We are very conscious about animal rights in the makeup world these days (which is an extremely good thing). But we should also take all steps possible that will help out our Mother Earth. At the end of the day some of these reasons may not make sense, or are biased. But the results are very practical for my wallet, a mess free home, and most importantly, the environment. I have not talked about any particular brands and have no intention throw shade at any brands indirectly. Many brands exemplify all of my points, so stay calm in your pants. I do not take any responsibility for hurt sentimentalities, except to say that it was completely unintentional.


1. Eyeshadow palettes that have life-like eyes designed on to the palette packaging. They really creep me out, I don’t know why. A very meaningless biased reason, I realize. But it is, what it is.

2. One-size fits all highlighter palettes. No, just no. You and I, we both know that we will never use the other shades as an eyeshadow. Because who’s going to use our actual eyeshadow palettes then? (TBH: I use my eyeshadow as highlighters, sue me. I don’t think I even own a proper highlighter that I use).

3. Cardboard Packaging. Enough said. I know plastic is bad. Make cardboard better like others, or start with metal (unless that’s bad too, I’m not sure on that score).

4. You know those super luxe eyeshadow palettes that are really, really tiny? You know what I am talking about. I honestly don’t know why but I really dislike their brand name being stamped on the shadows. It just feels cheap, somehow.

5. One pan multiple shadow shade range. I find it to be very cluttered and at most times completely unusable. And for many of them the price is just not justifiable.

6. When the outer packaging design of the box does not match the design of the actual palette. Especially, when the palette sleeve or case is not only more cuter but useless. Such a waste! Why can you not keep it the same? (I have OCD when it comes to design, whether it be fashion, makeup or a school PowerPoint presentation, furniture. I like organized designs).

7. The package theme does not translate into the shade range selection. Colourstory does not make sense whatsoever to what the palette is named and what it looks like.

8. I do not like lipstick palettes. They don’t work for me. They never have. I will never buy one, unless it is a free gift on a purchase and it has the potential to change my mind.

9. I wish more companies would do customizable palettes for a similar price point as their ready made palettes. That would be the most customer satisfaction geared conscious decision they would ever make. If I were a MU brand, I would design the packaging but let people make their own colourstories.

10. “Pop of colour” for that fun night out. But what if I don’t want “blue” for my fun night out?

11. Brand collaborations with people who have no outstanding career in makeup.

Au revoir mes amies.



About the Creator

Heeta Joshi

#Freespirit #Humanity #Objectivity #Peace #Love

IG: heeta.joshi

Twitter: joshi.heeta

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